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Grant Vissers · Listen
1. Deuteronomy 9:3 says, “But be assured today that the Lord your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire…” Do you have a sense that God goes before you in life? What might that look like?
2. What does it mean that the Israelites are called, “Stiff-necked?” Read the rest of chapter 9, why does Moses call Israel stiff-necked?
3. All throughout Deuteronomy Moses tells Israel that there is “Blessing,” and “Curse,” standing before them. They have the ability to choose one. What do you think they choose? What does this say about the human condition?
4. In Deuteronomy 9, Moses reminds Israel that God is giving them the promised land, “Not because of their own righteousness…” What does that phrase mean? Whose righteousness earned Israel the promised land?
5. Jesus is described as the ‘righteousness of God’. In fact, when we become followers of Jesus, His righteousness (right-standing with God) becomes our own. Do you live today in a way that recognizes the righteousness of God in your life?