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    14 Jul, 2024
    We’re halfway through our study of Jesus’ three temptations. One aspect that often goes unnoticed about this event is His incredible restraint. Such humility! In a situation that might suggest a dramatic "clash of the Titans" with lightning bolts and grandiose speeches, Jesus' response to Satan’s second temptation is remarkably succinct—just one line. Talk about understated! How might humility influence the way you resist temptation?
    07 Jul, 2024
    Temptation is unavoidable. To be human is to be tempted. Jesus was tempted, which is reassuring. For the next three weeks, we’re looking at the story of Jesus's temptation. It is always interesting to notice which temptations the devil uses to try to hook different people. This Sunday, we look at the devil’s attempt to get Jesus to turn stones into bread.
    30 Jun, 2024
    Worship means more than singing but never less. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, reveals scenes in heaven filled with lots of singing! While Revelation isn’t all about singing and dancing, the creatures of heaven and earth sing because Jesus is King, and everything will be made well. It's clear that we are meant to worship and sing even when life is tough.
    23 Jun, 2024
    Acts 2 reminds us that while we can and do worship alone, the best worship happens when we’re together! The Bible offers no picture of the day when heaven comes to earth when we’ll be off on our own as individuals! We’ll stand, kneel, and bow with the millions who have called Jesus LORD. The church got off to such a start; 3,000 people were stirred to trust Jesus, worship together, and then opened their homes to each other! Watch what God does when people worship!
    16 Jun, 2024
    The Bible is often the story of how humans get things wrong. Thankfully, there are exceptions! David dancing before the ark of God is the story of the day—humans (mostly) got it right. This is a bright picture of worship. Worship is when God is honoured, and people come alive.
    03 Jun, 2024
    The world misses out on so much worship! God does amazing things daily, yet we often shrug our shoulders, thank our ‘lucky stars,’ and keep our foot on the pedal. Not Miriam! Miriam understands that worship happens when people notice what God has done, find words (and tambourines), and get up and dance in celebration of God’s good gifts.
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    This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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    This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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    This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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