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    The Story

    Sep. 2024
    March 16, 2025
    Luke 15:11-32 - Jesus tells a story about a father with two lost sons. The rule-breaking younger son was lost in self-indulgence, and the rule-keeping older son was lost in self-righteousness. The father loved both generously and even recklessly. Both needed to be found. Were they?
    March 9, 2025
    John 4:4-26 - Jesus announced that the Kingdom of God had arrived and everyone wondered what that would look like. Would it mean swords and fighting or a political takeover? John records a couple of one-on-one conversations that Jesus had. What an interesting Kingdom! It turns out that each person matters in the Kingdom of God, each woman and each man matter eternally.
    March 2, 2025
    John 1:1-14A - The story of the Bible is the Story of Jesus, God’s plan all along was to come as one of us to rescue us from sin and death and to reset us to live radically different lives. Today’s passage offers a different (still true!) beginning to the story of Jesus' life on earth.
    February 24, 2025
    Esther 4:10-17 -The story of Esther is surprising—not once is God mentioned. Yet God’s silence is not the same as his absence. He works for good, even through ordinary events and with flawed people.
    February 9, 2025
    Ezra 3:10-13 - The book of Ezra tells the story of the return of God’s people from exile. The account details the extra care that was taken by the returnees in doing their best to reproduce what they once had. Very quickly, they got the old altar operational and began to rebuild the temple. Our story is about what they chose to do on the day the foundation of the new temple was in place. There was a party that didn’t feel like a party for everyone, and that’s just honest!
    February 2, 2025
    Daniel 6:1-24-The book of Daniel is all about the Sovereignty of God. The God of Israel proves himself sovereign even in faraway Babylon: boys receive foreign favour and are released from having to eat rich and potentially unkosher food. Young men are saved from a fiery furnace, and old man Daniel doesn’t get eaten by a den of hungry lions. God proves he’s not limited by international borders, arrogant kings or wild beasts. All of this points forward to Jesus, who demonstrated his sovereignty (he is God, after all!) in different ways.
    January 27, 2025
    Ezekiel 36:22-28- The people of God deserved to be in exile in Babylon. They had betrayed their relationship with God by worshipping idols and committing horrible acts of violence. But instead of giving up on his people, God goes with them into exile. He shows up with a message of hope: he will bring them back, clean them up, and make them new. It was good news for the Israelites, and it’s good news for us today.
    January 19, 2025
    Isaiah 6:1-10 - Most of Isaiah’s writings don’t have a timestamp on them, but one event does. The day that he had his most profound encounter with God was shortly after King Uzziah died. King Uzziah would have been on the throne long before Isaiah was born and would have been the only king that Isaiah knew. That’s a big loss. Sometimes, God is able to meet us best when we’re tender from loss or grief.
    January 12, 2025
    1 Kings 18:16-39 - Elijah lived at odds with his culture. An evil king (and queen!) wanted him dead, so he went into hiding. After 3 years, God prompted him to set up a showdown: Yahweh vs. Ba’al, good vs. evil, a battle to the death. Sadly, good’s triumph barely left a mark on the life of his country. Thankfully, there was another good vs evil showdown years later, and its impact is still being felt around the world.
    January 5, 2025
    1 Kings 12:1-16: King Rehoboam continues the descent that has been the story of the kings since the throne was established. No one seems to be able to get it right. Leadership is tough. It requires listening to God and keen self-awareness. Rehoboam’s legacy is that he divided the people of God. May that never happen again.
    December 29, 2024
    1 Kings 3:16-28
    December 22, 2024
    Luke 1:26-38 Mary was approached by the angel Gabriel and told she was the one to carry the “Son of the Most High”. She was curious and submissive, but she didn’t ‘feel the love’ until she walked 150 km to visit her relative Elizabeth. Together, they processed what was going on in their lives. That was the beginning of Christianity! Two believers getting honest and committing themselves to God and each other, no matter what.
    December 15, 2024
    When the Wisemen arrived in Jerusalem looking for the ‘King of the Jews’, the scholars read our Micah passage and told them to go to Bethlehem. Bethlehem was the place of the king's birth. That prophecy had been given 700 years before Mary and Joseph trundled into sleepy Bethlehem. All of this: Micah’s prophecy, the difficulty of his time in history, translates into joy for us and potential joy for all the generations of the earth.
    December 8, 2024
    The Israelites want peace without God as king. They have their own solution for national success: a new system of government. But there’s a flaw in their solution that will ultimately see them trapped by it … until the true king comes to rescue them.
    December 1, 2024
    Genesis 1:31-2:3 This is the beginning of the Beginning! The Creation story lays out many bedrock truths, including our purpose and God's purpose. The 7th day of Creation reveals that God is the rightful King and we are part of a good Kingdom. These two truths alone are the foundation for life-giving hope.

    How Not to Talk to Your Friends About Jesus

    July 28- Sep. 1, 2024
    September 1, 2024
    After the most successful speaking event in the history of the world -where the entire city repented - Jonah was still despondent. He had hoped for God to punish his enemies, not forgive them. In response, God provided a comforting plant and then a tiny worm to challenge Jonah’s hard heart. We really don’t know how Jonah ultimately responded.
    August 25, 2024
    John 21 finds the disciples back at their old tricks! Back home and fishing. After witnessing the greatest event in history, the resurrection of Jesus, they were unsure of what to do next. So, they returned home and resumed fishing, their old profession. But surprisingly, despite being experienced fishermen, they got skunked—zero fish in the boat. Then Jesus appeared, and the beginnings of the early church began to take shape.
    August 19, 2024
    Jonah, the reluctant evangelist, gets a second chance! He heads to Nineveh, the wicked city, to proclaim God’s judgment: “Forty days, and Nineveh will be overturned!” To everyone’s amazement, the people of Nineveh didn’t harm Jonah but instead humbled themselves and repented. What a story of mercy! And God, in His mercy, turned away from His fierce anger. What an incredible story of grace!
    August 11, 2024
    What do you do when you’re between a rock and a hard place? Jonah the prophet, did what most of us do—he prayed. Even though he was running from God and was prepared to die rather than obey what God had called him to do, when push came to shove, Jonah prayed. Prayer is a powerful thing to do when you want and need your life to change.
    August 4, 2024
    Jonah is an example of how not to take the good news of Jesus to people. His actions, heart, and focus were all wrong. But God won’t give up on this failed prophet—he goes after him in love.
    July 28, 2024
    How can we share the wonderful news of Jesus and all He has done for us? What guidance, outlook, and approach should we embrace? Evangelism isn't about following a strict formula; it's about following Jesus. Let's stop viewing evangelism as something daunting that only our "outgoing" friends do. Instead, let's recognize it as our exciting opportunity to join Jesus in His mission of seeking and saving the lost!


    July 7-21, 2024
    July 21, 2024
    Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness happened at the hands of an enemy who wanted to derail him … and who now wants to destroy us. We need to be aware of this enemy’s presence, stay alert to his methods, and learn how to avoid them.
    July 14, 2024
    We’re halfway through our study of Jesus’ three temptations. One aspect that often goes unnoticed about this event is His incredible restraint. Such humility! In a situation that might suggest a dramatic "clash of the Titans" with lightning bolts and grandiose speeches, Jesus' response to Satan’s second temptation is remarkably succinct—just one line. Talk about understated! How might humility influence the way you resist temptation?
    July 7, 2024
    Temptation is unavoidable. To be human is to be tempted. Jesus was tempted, which is reassuring. For the next three weeks, we’re looking at the story of Jesus's temptation. It is always interesting to notice which temptations the devil uses to try to hook different people. This Sunday, we look at the devil’s attempt to get Jesus to turn stones into bread.

    Bring Your Best

    May 26 - June 30 2024
    June 30, 2024
    Worship means more than singing but never less. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, reveals scenes in heaven filled with lots of singing! While Revelation isn’t all about singing and dancing, the creatures of heaven and earth sing because Jesus is King, and everything will be made well. It's clear that we are meant to worship and sing even when life is tough.
    June 23, 2024
    Acts 2 reminds us that while we can and do worship alone, the best worship happens when we’re together! The Bible offers no picture of the day when heaven comes to earth when we’ll be off on our own as individuals! We’ll stand, kneel, and bow with the millions who have called Jesus LORD. The church got off to such a start; 3,000 people were stirred to trust Jesus, worship together, and then opened their homes to each other! Watch what God does when people worship!
    June 16, 2024
    The Bible is often the story of how humans get things wrong. Thankfully, there are exceptions! David dancing before the ark of God is the story of the day—humans (mostly) got it right. This is a bright picture of worship. Worship is when God is honoured, and people come alive.
    June 2, 2024
    The world misses out on so much worship! God does amazing things daily, yet we often shrug our shoulders, thank our ‘lucky stars,’ and keep our foot on the pedal. Not Miriam! Miriam understands that worship happens when people notice what God has done, find words (and tambourines), and get up and dance in celebration of God’s good gifts.
    May 26, 2024
    Is worship an optional activity for religious people? Why does worship matter? The truth is that we all worship—it’s just a question of who or what we worship. The story of Cain and Abel shows us that who we worship forms our hearts, guides our actions, and determines our lives. Worship really matters!

    Included | Romans

    Advent | Guess Who's Coming to Christmas

    January 2024 - May 19, 2024
    December 2023
    May 19, 2024
    Paul's letter to the Ephesian church reminds them of how we are made alive in Christ, transformed by His grace into a new creation. We are able to live life with a new purpose and identity as a masterpiece of God's design. Outdoor Christian Educator and guest speaker Ryan Lamoureux will use the monarch butterfly from God's creation to illustrate this transformational process.
    May 12, 2024
    Paul finishes his letter to the church in Rome with a list, not exactly best-seller material. His aim wasn't literary acclaim, although his work became influential; instead, he was interested in fostering and fortifying connections. Reflecting on Paul's list may have you thinking about your own list: the people God has used in your life to bring you closer to Him.
    May 5, 2024
    Paul never recovered from God including the Gentiles in the salvation invitation. Like some of us, perhaps, he felt like some people should be excluded by virtue of where they were born or how badly they have behaved. More than included, Paul instructs that former ‘outsiders’ should be treated as precious insiders, treated even better than we would treat ourselves. What would it look like if love came to town?
    April 28, 2024
    Human beings need reminders about how to get along, and Christians are no exception. We especially need reminders about how to love each other while we disagree. Paul draws the believers' hearts and minds back to what Jesus has done, and that paves the way for loving each other well through conflict.
    April 22, 2024
    How do we live with Jesus in a society that opposes him? Paul tells us to wake up to our resurrection hope. When we do that, loving others and rejecting sin in our own lives makes sense.
    April 14, 2024
    Romans 12 is the description of what happens when God’s mercy overflows in a church’s life. Lifelong attitudes change, love becomes genuine, mocking enemies are not met with equal and opposite force but, quite the opposite, with peace and gentleness. Be praying even now for how God will speak uniquely to your small group.
    Load more
    January 1, 2024
    The Christmas Story ends with a downer. Dead babies. Few of us know the story, and fewer of us talk about Herod’s killing of the innocents. The message is clear, though: Jesus is on a mission in a world that really knows how to hurt each other. There’s no candy-coated church person experience; we face all the same rotten stuff along with the world. Anyone who tells you differently hasn’t read their Bible. But there is hope. This Baby has something up his sleeve.
    December 24, 2023
    The staggering Christian claim is that God became one of us, stooping so low as to be born and, more, born to a poor young woman. It all seems so “un-glorious”. How else could he fully enter our troubles and struggles? He gets us; better than that, he came to set everything right. Merry Christmas, indeed.
    December 17, 2023
    Magi, or "the Wisemen” as they’ve come to be known, were invited to the first Christmas. They didn’t get an angel invitation like Mary and Joseph. They were studying and thinking and God was stirring their hearts as they studied. Scholars from far away sound very mystical to us, but the people of Israel weren’t that excited about ‘people from far away.’ Foreigners were just more Gentiles. Amazing! Even at his birth, God was showing his cards, showing us that the whole world would be invited into the Kingdom where Jesus is King.
    December 11, 2023
    Matthew introduces Jesus with a genealogy. At first glance, the long list of names seems unrelated to the good news of Jesus. But the people highlighted in this family tree show us that Jesus loves everyone. And that everyone needs Jesus.
    December 3, 2023
    One of the interesting pieces is who got invited to the birth of Jesus. It’s a curious shortlist. This week we begin with Joseph, the man who played the role of Jesus’ earthly father. It was not a job he was looking for but he was God’s choice.

    Acts | Good News

    Sept. - Nov. 2023
    November 27, 2023
    Throughout the Bible, God has consistently called his people to be wholehearted and single-minded. At St. Paul’s, we talk about being all-in. The image is of pushing all the poker chips to the middle of the table as if to say, “We’ve found something in Jesus, and we’re betting our whole lives on him!” All in! From time to time, we have to ask ourselves: Is it true? Are we all in? Or are we holding something back? Is something hindering us?
    November 20, 2023
    Paul is in chains, but he is still sharing his faith. He creates opportunities to share his faith, takes time for conversations, and is clear about a person’s choice for or against Jesus. Then, the story ends abruptly with a single word of hope: unhindered.
    November 13, 2023
    The book of Acts tells us Paul’s testimony three times, which seems a little overcooked! As you read each one, you’ll see that while Paul doesn’t change facts, he does choose to emphasize certain parts of his story depending on who is in the audience. All Christians have a testimony; hearing Paul tell his helps us find words to explain what our LORD has done in our lives.
    November 6, 2023
    A fish out of water is a term we use to describe someone in unfamiliar and uncomfortable surroundings. That’s Paul in Athens. Paul was a Jewish scholar proficient in the Bible and monotheism. Athens was an idol and temple smorgasbord! In this passage, Paul has to figure out how to explain Jesus to a group of people who have never heard of Him before.
    October 29, 2023
    Beaten and thrown in prison, Paul and Silas share their faith. They stay close to Jesus, love like Jesus, and are ready to talk about Jesus when the opportunity comes.
    October 22, 2023
    We’ve heard great stories of the Holy Spirit at work in exceptional ways. The church in Antioch felt the Spirit prompt them to do something intentional and put a plan together. The plan was to send out two of their number to let the wider world know of the good news of Jesus. Planning is important but executing the plan is at least as important. Having the strength and capacity to carry on with the plan, through thick and thin, is the story we now find ourselves in. Barnabas and Paul show us what it looks like when Christians begin to intentionally share their faith.
    October 15, 2023
    God was blowing Peter’s mind! Not only was lobster, shrimp, and bacon now ‘on the table’ for Jewish Christians, but Gentiles (non-Jewish persons) were also welcome to become Christians. Until this point, there had only been Jewish believers. The Holy Spirit made Peter re-process the message of Jesus and how He is for all people, every tribe, and every tongue – anyone who will trust Him. It turns out that this has been God’s plan all along.
    October 8, 2023
    Paul is Enemy Number One for the early church. One translation reads: “Saul was a wild man, going everywhere to devastate the believers, even entering private homes and dragging out men and women alike…” On his way to Damascus to wreak more devastation, Jesus met him. Jesus has a unique way of dealing with enemies. In our story, Jesus invites one of his followers to risk his own life and try His “Enemy Management 101”.
    October 1, 2023
    As more and more people trusted Jesus, the religious authorities grew increasingly uncomfortable. They had been the ones who forced the Romans to crucify Jesus. The Christians didn’t want to punish the religious authorities but rather called them to repent. They weren’t keen to oblige. A young man named Stephen caught their attention, and when he also challenged them to repent and change their minds, they chose to throw rocks at his head.
    September 24, 2023
    You would think that people with good news would only be celebrated and loved! “The ice cream truck is coming down the street!” “The burgers are ready!” “The Jays won!”. Christians have the best news to share, but it isn’t always celebrated, and we aren’t always loved. In today’s passage, Peter and John have to face the authorities who are pretty keen for this ‘Christian problem’ to go away. Peter and John have to figure out whom they will obey. Will it be threatened leaders or the God who died on the cross for them?
    By SPL September 18, 2023
    Every person has a story. Humanity has a story, too, and it is best and most accurately recorded in the Bible. When Peter got the chance to share the good news, he used his people’s story to point to Jesus and call them into a healed and life-giving relationship with the God […]
    September 10, 2023
    Wrongly, some people believe that sharing your faith (evangelism) is what only gifted (or interested) Christians do. Not true. It’s basic to being a Christian. Along with ‘loving one another’, ‘go and make disciples’ is a one-two punch of being a Christian. We’re all still learning how to share our faith. Today, we start a series that tells stories about the time in the Church’s history when everyone was just learning to tell the world about Jesus.

    Proverbs | The Beginning of Wisdom

    By SPL September 4, 2023
    Who Are Your Friends Friends and family have always been powerful forces for a person who wants to grow wiser. Sadly, friends and family can also be powerful in the disintegration of a life too. How do you know who to lean into and who to lean away from? What kind of friends have you […]
    By SPL August 30, 2023
    Sticks and Stones Our words are powerful! Our words can heal or wound, build up or tear down, bring life or carry death. That’s why Proverbs takes so much time to teach us how to use our words well. Good, life-giving words are honest, kind, fitting … and few. Listen to an audio version of […]
    By SPL August 21, 2023
    Relationship Basics We need good relationships to thrive. The problem is that relationships tend to break down—they need regular maintenance and repair! In the book of Proverbs, we find some basic principles for keeping our relationships strong. Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this week: Spotify Proverbs 11:12-20
    By SPL August 14, 2023
    The Best You Can Do Solomon didn’t want his kids to be slugs! He told them to look really closely at God’s created world and see the way that the world is designed. Among the tiniest of creatures, the ants were a great picture of work without coercion. Without a boss, these littlest creatures get […]
    By SPL August 8, 2023
    The Grass Isn’t Greener - Solomon wants to talk to his boys about sex and how to enjoy it and avoid lifelong hurt and regret. Sex isn’t the easiest thing to talk with your kids about! But Solomon steps up and talks to them as adults and counsels adult behaviour from them. The Bible isn’t shy […]
    By SPL August 1, 2023
    One Affection Proverbs teaches us that the wisdom we need for life is found in a relationship with God. We give him our whole hearts, and he blesses us with his love. It’s amazing! Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this week: Spotify Proverbs 3:1-12
    By SPL July 24, 2023
    Check Your Sources Today’s sermon offers a warning against the external and internal voices that we listen to and act upon. We need to be cautious of what voices we listen to and recognize the dangers of ‘following the crowd.’ We also need to pay attention to the internal voices acting against God’s will, such […]
    By SPL July 17, 2023
    The Beginning of Wisdom What is the secret to living life well? The book of Proverbs gives us God’s answer to that question: wisdom. But what is wisdom? And how do we get it? The introduction to Proverbs shows us that wisdom needs humility, takes effort, and it begins with Jesus. Listen to an audio […]

    Ephesians | The Extravagant Love of God

    By SPL July 10, 2023
    WARFARE The letter to the Ephesians ends with a surprise assignment – warfare! Part of God’s extravagance with us is to invite us into His epic battle against the powers of evil and the evil one’s ’schemes.’ Jesus talks about these things and our ‘surprise’ role in it. He sends us out like sheep among […]
    By SPL July 3, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT FAMILY The extravagant love God showed us in Jesus has to show up in our everyday lives. In today’s passage, Paul explains how love plays out in our closest and most ordinary relationships: kids and parents, bosses and workers, husbands and wives. For Christians, love means submission. Submission means choosing the other over ourselves. […]
    By SPL June 27, 2023
    NO MORE DARKNESS Paul continues to help the Ephesian believers understand how God’s extravagance pours into their lives and through their lives. Last week it was about leaving old habits (lying, stealing, and potty mouth language) and learning new habits (telling the truth, sharing their stuff, and using words to build up). There’s more of […]
    By SPL June 19, 2023
    THE LIFE YOU’VE LEARNED All of us are shaped by the family stories we heard growing up. My dad stole a comic book from a convenience store that slid down his pant leg and onto the floor before he could get out of the store. My dad told the store owner he had no idea […]
    By SPL June 5, 2023
    LIVE INTO THIS Paul has been soaring through the first three chapters of Ephesians. He has been so excited, so thrilled, so wordy(!) about what God has done. Now it’s time for the Ephesian believers to strap on their lifejackets and get ready for the ride of their lives!  Doing life together has never been […]
    May 29, 2023
    OVERFLOWING LIFE Power and love and two ‘biggies’ for human beings. We crave both. This week, I read that power or love (or both) is the main subject in two-thirds of all songs and movies. Jesus has a few things to say about power and love, and you may be surprised that he wants more […]
    By SPL May 22, 2023
    REAL INCLUSION Paul knows that the suffering he is experiencing in jail could be discouraging to his friends in Ephesus. He writes to help them see reality through eyes transformed by wonder. It’s a view of life that is amazed by Jesus, amazed by grace, and amazed by the church. Listen to an audio version […]
    By SPL May 15, 2023
    FOREVER FRIENDS I received an email recently informing me that the US Surgeon General has identified an epidemic of loneliness and the health implications of loneliness compare to heavy cigarette use. We are strangers to each other. We set up walls between us. One of the powerful things that Jesus did in his earthly life […]
    By SPL May 8, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT LOVE Paul describes our situation in a few ways: as being dead, as being under the influence of evil (the world, the flesh, and the devil), and as courting God’s wrath. What’s your reaction to each of these characterizations? Do they seem true? Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this […]
    By SPL May 1, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT POWER Sometimes Christians say to each other: “I’ll pray for you!” What do you pray? Some of you are leaders, what do you pray for the group of people you lead? In today’s passage, we get a look and a listen into the prayer closet of the apostle Paul. He’s not praying for sunny […]
    By SPL April 24, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT GIFTS What is wrong with the world and what can be done about it? If you’re even partially conscientious, you think about these things. The letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians answers both questions and Paul is so excited about what God is doing that he has a run-on sentence of 204 words! Do […]

    Loved | John

    By SPL April 17, 2023
    FOLLOW ME! Peter failed to live up to his good intentions and messed up—badly. In love, Jesus heals Peter’s shame and gives him a job to do. It all comes down to this question that Jesus asks Peter: “Do you love me?” It’s the same question Jesus has for us today. Listen to an audio […]
    By SPL April 10, 2023
    WHEN GRIEF IS ALL YOU SEE The stories of Jesus often have him in conversation with just one other person. Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the guy at the pool of Bethesda, and now Mary. Something about Jesus wanted to (wants!) to deal with us one person at a time. God’s heart is fascinating! […]
    By SPL April 3, 2023
    HIS PRAYER FOR US This is it! Jesus’ last words to the 11 disciples before he goes to the cross and dies. What will he say? What will he say on his ‘deathbed’? What do you plan on saying on your deathbed? Seems like what you might say on your deathbed would be something you […]
    By SPL March 27, 2023
    SO YOU CAN LOVE OTHERS Jesus intends to win the world with love. It makes so little sense on a planet that has always celebrated the strongest and the smartest and the most self-interested. Kindness never won an Olympic medal or a military battle. Our God has chosen his ‘weapon of choice’ and its love. […]
    By SPL March 20, 2023
    IN THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT Sometimes life feels like it’s falling apart. What do you do when you’re in that place? The disciples were there and Jesus watched as their pupils dilated and their palms began to moisten. He began: “No matter what, remember these things…”. It’s good to have a plan when the […]
    By SPL March 13, 2023
    EVEN WHEN YOU DENY HIM The first Christians knew that Jesus loved them. Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and the disciples all knew he loved them. They felt it. That was the basis for the way they did life together: rooted in his love, reminding each other of his love by the way they talked and treated […]
    By SPL March 6, 2023
    WHEN YOU HAVE DIRTY FEET “Washing one another’s feet” ranks right up there with the other crazy ideas Jesus has for his Kingdom: “Go the extra mile.” “Turn the other cheek,” and “Love your enemies.” Inconceivable. Who would ever think that these ideas would gain traction, especially in a group of young men? The only […]
    By SPL February 27, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANTLY Mary sees Jesus for who he is and pours out everything she has for him in worship. Judas doesn’t think Jesus is worth it and condemns both Mary and Jesus. And Jesus loves them both extravagantly. What’s your response to the question, “Who is Jesus … to me?” Listen to an audio version of […]
    By SPL February 20, 2023
    EVEN WHEN YOU’RE DEAD The two guarantees in life are death and taxes and this story is not about taxes! Death brings everything out of us: sadness, anger, disappointment, confusion, blaming, resentment, gratitude, and when Jesus is around, even, in time – joy. Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this week: Spotify […]
    By SPL February 13, 2023
    WHEN EVERYONE ELSE RUNS AWAY Our world has certain strategies when it comes to dealing with threats: flight, fight, or freeze are the usual options. Our world views intimacy largely as a sexual thing and most often operates on the principle of “birds of a feather flock together.” Fascinatingly, Jesus has a completely different view […]
    By SPL February 6, 2023
    WHEN YOU’RE AN OUTCAST What’s it like to be loved by Jesus and to love him back? Or put another way, what’s it like to believe Jesus? John tells the story of the blind man healed by Jesus to help us imagine this. He wants this story to be our story: one where in love Jesus transforms […]
    By SPL January 30, 2023
    ON YOUR WORST DAY EVER Do you remember your worst day ever? Perhaps you accidentally sent a scathing email TO the person you were complaining about! Maybe it was the day you got your diagnosis. Or the day someone you love deeply died. You’ll never forget that day. This week’s story is about one person’s […]
    By SPL January 22, 2023
    EVEN WHEN YOU’RE A WHINER Some people seem to have a hard go while others seem to make their own life hard. It’s not always easy to know how to respond, especially when you’re close to the person and want their life to improve.  Jesus, as always, handles that situation brilliantly: affirming but not enabling; […]
    By SPL January 12, 2023
    WHEN LIFE IS SHAME AND MORE SHAME All of us want people to see us at our best. That’s why we shower, shave or put on makeup, and don’t eat tuna just before a big meeting. We assume (probably accurately) that people like us better that way. We also hope God sees us on our […]
    By SPL January 8, 2023
    WHEN YOUR BEST ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH The Gospel of John was written by an author who only ever self-identified as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Such was John’s experience, he knew and felt what it is to be loved by Jesus. Many of the stories in his biography of Jesus are accounts of people who […]
    By SPL January 2, 2023
    A YOUNG COUPLE’S EMBARRASSMENT The Gospel of John was written by an author who only ever self-identified as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Such was John’s experience, he knew and felt what it is to be loved by Jesus. Many of the stories in his biography of Jesus are accounts of people who experienced the […]

    All Past Sermons

    January 1, 2024
    The Christmas Story ends with a downer. Dead babies. Few of us know the story, and fewer of us talk about Herod’s killing of the innocents. The message is clear, though: Jesus is on a mission in a world that really knows how to hurt each other. There’s no candy-coated church person experience; we face all the same rotten stuff along with the world. Anyone who tells you differently hasn’t read their Bible. But there is hope. This Baby has something up his sleeve.
    December 24, 2023
    The staggering Christian claim is that God became one of us, stooping so low as to be born and, more, born to a poor young woman. It all seems so “un-glorious”. How else could he fully enter our troubles and struggles? He gets us; better than that, he came to set everything right. Merry Christmas, indeed.
    December 17, 2023
    Magi, or "the Wisemen” as they’ve come to be known, were invited to the first Christmas. They didn’t get an angel invitation like Mary and Joseph. They were studying and thinking and God was stirring their hearts as they studied. Scholars from far away sound very mystical to us, but the people of Israel weren’t that excited about ‘people from far away.’ Foreigners were just more Gentiles. Amazing! Even at his birth, God was showing his cards, showing us that the whole world would be invited into the Kingdom where Jesus is King.
    December 11, 2023
    Matthew introduces Jesus with a genealogy. At first glance, the long list of names seems unrelated to the good news of Jesus. But the people highlighted in this family tree show us that Jesus loves everyone. And that everyone needs Jesus.
    December 3, 2023
    One of the interesting pieces is who got invited to the birth of Jesus. It’s a curious shortlist. This week we begin with Joseph, the man who played the role of Jesus’ earthly father. It was not a job he was looking for but he was God’s choice.
    November 27, 2023
    Throughout the Bible, God has consistently called his people to be wholehearted and single-minded. At St. Paul’s, we talk about being all-in. The image is of pushing all the poker chips to the middle of the table as if to say, “We’ve found something in Jesus, and we’re betting our whole lives on him!” All in! From time to time, we have to ask ourselves: Is it true? Are we all in? Or are we holding something back? Is something hindering us?
    November 20, 2023
    Paul is in chains, but he is still sharing his faith. He creates opportunities to share his faith, takes time for conversations, and is clear about a person’s choice for or against Jesus. Then, the story ends abruptly with a single word of hope: unhindered.
    November 13, 2023
    The book of Acts tells us Paul’s testimony three times, which seems a little overcooked! As you read each one, you’ll see that while Paul doesn’t change facts, he does choose to emphasize certain parts of his story depending on who is in the audience. All Christians have a testimony; hearing Paul tell his helps us find words to explain what our LORD has done in our lives.
    November 6, 2023
    A fish out of water is a term we use to describe someone in unfamiliar and uncomfortable surroundings. That’s Paul in Athens. Paul was a Jewish scholar proficient in the Bible and monotheism. Athens was an idol and temple smorgasbord! In this passage, Paul has to figure out how to explain Jesus to a group of people who have never heard of Him before.
    October 29, 2023
    Beaten and thrown in prison, Paul and Silas share their faith. They stay close to Jesus, love like Jesus, and are ready to talk about Jesus when the opportunity comes.
    October 22, 2023
    We’ve heard great stories of the Holy Spirit at work in exceptional ways. The church in Antioch felt the Spirit prompt them to do something intentional and put a plan together. The plan was to send out two of their number to let the wider world know of the good news of Jesus. Planning is important but executing the plan is at least as important. Having the strength and capacity to carry on with the plan, through thick and thin, is the story we now find ourselves in. Barnabas and Paul show us what it looks like when Christians begin to intentionally share their faith.
    October 15, 2023
    God was blowing Peter’s mind! Not only was lobster, shrimp, and bacon now ‘on the table’ for Jewish Christians, but Gentiles (non-Jewish persons) were also welcome to become Christians. Until this point, there had only been Jewish believers. The Holy Spirit made Peter re-process the message of Jesus and how He is for all people, every tribe, and every tongue – anyone who will trust Him. It turns out that this has been God’s plan all along.
    October 8, 2023
    Paul is Enemy Number One for the early church. One translation reads: “Saul was a wild man, going everywhere to devastate the believers, even entering private homes and dragging out men and women alike…” On his way to Damascus to wreak more devastation, Jesus met him. Jesus has a unique way of dealing with enemies. In our story, Jesus invites one of his followers to risk his own life and try His “Enemy Management 101”.
    October 1, 2023
    As more and more people trusted Jesus, the religious authorities grew increasingly uncomfortable. They had been the ones who forced the Romans to crucify Jesus. The Christians didn’t want to punish the religious authorities but rather called them to repent. They weren’t keen to oblige. A young man named Stephen caught their attention, and when he also challenged them to repent and change their minds, they chose to throw rocks at his head.
    September 24, 2023
    You would think that people with good news would only be celebrated and loved! “The ice cream truck is coming down the street!” “The burgers are ready!” “The Jays won!”. Christians have the best news to share, but it isn’t always celebrated, and we aren’t always loved. In today’s passage, Peter and John have to face the authorities who are pretty keen for this ‘Christian problem’ to go away. Peter and John have to figure out whom they will obey. Will it be threatened leaders or the God who died on the cross for them?
    By SPL September 18, 2023
    Every person has a story. Humanity has a story, too, and it is best and most accurately recorded in the Bible. When Peter got the chance to share the good news, he used his people’s story to point to Jesus and call them into a healed and life-giving relationship with the God […]
    September 10, 2023
    Wrongly, some people believe that sharing your faith (evangelism) is what only gifted (or interested) Christians do. Not true. It’s basic to being a Christian. Along with ‘loving one another’, ‘go and make disciples’ is a one-two punch of being a Christian. We’re all still learning how to share our faith. Today, we start a series that tells stories about the time in the Church’s history when everyone was just learning to tell the world about Jesus.
    By SPL September 4, 2023
    Who Are Your Friends Friends and family have always been powerful forces for a person who wants to grow wiser. Sadly, friends and family can also be powerful in the disintegration of a life too. How do you know who to lean into and who to lean away from? What kind of friends have you […]
    By SPL August 30, 2023
    Sticks and Stones Our words are powerful! Our words can heal or wound, build up or tear down, bring life or carry death. That’s why Proverbs takes so much time to teach us how to use our words well. Good, life-giving words are honest, kind, fitting … and few. Listen to an audio version of […]
    By SPL August 21, 2023
    Relationship Basics We need good relationships to thrive. The problem is that relationships tend to break down—they need regular maintenance and repair! In the book of Proverbs, we find some basic principles for keeping our relationships strong. Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this week: Spotify Proverbs 11:12-20
    By SPL August 14, 2023
    The Best You Can Do Solomon didn’t want his kids to be slugs! He told them to look really closely at God’s created world and see the way that the world is designed. Among the tiniest of creatures, the ants were a great picture of work without coercion. Without a boss, these littlest creatures get […]
    By SPL August 8, 2023
    The Grass Isn’t Greener - Solomon wants to talk to his boys about sex and how to enjoy it and avoid lifelong hurt and regret. Sex isn’t the easiest thing to talk with your kids about! But Solomon steps up and talks to them as adults and counsels adult behaviour from them. The Bible isn’t shy […]
    By SPL August 1, 2023
    One Affection Proverbs teaches us that the wisdom we need for life is found in a relationship with God. We give him our whole hearts, and he blesses us with his love. It’s amazing! Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this week: Spotify Proverbs 3:1-12
    By SPL July 24, 2023
    Check Your Sources Today’s sermon offers a warning against the external and internal voices that we listen to and act upon. We need to be cautious of what voices we listen to and recognize the dangers of ‘following the crowd.’ We also need to pay attention to the internal voices acting against God’s will, such […]
    By SPL July 17, 2023
    The Beginning of Wisdom What is the secret to living life well? The book of Proverbs gives us God’s answer to that question: wisdom. But what is wisdom? And how do we get it? The introduction to Proverbs shows us that wisdom needs humility, takes effort, and it begins with Jesus. Listen to an audio […]
    By SPL July 10, 2023
    WARFARE The letter to the Ephesians ends with a surprise assignment – warfare! Part of God’s extravagance with us is to invite us into His epic battle against the powers of evil and the evil one’s ’schemes.’ Jesus talks about these things and our ‘surprise’ role in it. He sends us out like sheep among […]
    By SPL July 3, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT FAMILY The extravagant love God showed us in Jesus has to show up in our everyday lives. In today’s passage, Paul explains how love plays out in our closest and most ordinary relationships: kids and parents, bosses and workers, husbands and wives. For Christians, love means submission. Submission means choosing the other over ourselves. […]
    By SPL June 27, 2023
    NO MORE DARKNESS Paul continues to help the Ephesian believers understand how God’s extravagance pours into their lives and through their lives. Last week it was about leaving old habits (lying, stealing, and potty mouth language) and learning new habits (telling the truth, sharing their stuff, and using words to build up). There’s more of […]
    By SPL June 19, 2023
    THE LIFE YOU’VE LEARNED All of us are shaped by the family stories we heard growing up. My dad stole a comic book from a convenience store that slid down his pant leg and onto the floor before he could get out of the store. My dad told the store owner he had no idea […]
    By SPL June 5, 2023
    LIVE INTO THIS Paul has been soaring through the first three chapters of Ephesians. He has been so excited, so thrilled, so wordy(!) about what God has done. Now it’s time for the Ephesian believers to strap on their lifejackets and get ready for the ride of their lives!  Doing life together has never been […]
    May 29, 2023
    OVERFLOWING LIFE Power and love and two ‘biggies’ for human beings. We crave both. This week, I read that power or love (or both) is the main subject in two-thirds of all songs and movies. Jesus has a few things to say about power and love, and you may be surprised that he wants more […]
    By SPL May 22, 2023
    REAL INCLUSION Paul knows that the suffering he is experiencing in jail could be discouraging to his friends in Ephesus. He writes to help them see reality through eyes transformed by wonder. It’s a view of life that is amazed by Jesus, amazed by grace, and amazed by the church. Listen to an audio version […]
    By SPL May 15, 2023
    FOREVER FRIENDS I received an email recently informing me that the US Surgeon General has identified an epidemic of loneliness and the health implications of loneliness compare to heavy cigarette use. We are strangers to each other. We set up walls between us. One of the powerful things that Jesus did in his earthly life […]
    By SPL May 8, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT LOVE Paul describes our situation in a few ways: as being dead, as being under the influence of evil (the world, the flesh, and the devil), and as courting God’s wrath. What’s your reaction to each of these characterizations? Do they seem true? Listen to an audio version of the message Songs for this […]
    By SPL May 1, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT POWER Sometimes Christians say to each other: “I’ll pray for you!” What do you pray? Some of you are leaders, what do you pray for the group of people you lead? In today’s passage, we get a look and a listen into the prayer closet of the apostle Paul. He’s not praying for sunny […]
    By SPL April 24, 2023
    EXTRAVAGANT GIFTS What is wrong with the world and what can be done about it? If you’re even partially conscientious, you think about these things. The letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians answers both questions and Paul is so excited about what God is doing that he has a run-on sentence of 204 words! Do […]
    By SPL April 17, 2023
    FOLLOW ME! Peter failed to live up to his good intentions and messed up—badly. In love, Jesus heals Peter’s shame and gives him a job to do. It all comes down to this question that Jesus asks Peter: “Do you love me?” It’s the same question Jesus has for us today. Listen to an audio […]
    By SPL April 10, 2023
    WHEN GRIEF IS ALL YOU SEE The stories of Jesus often have him in conversation with just one other person. Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the guy at the pool of Bethesda, and now Mary. Something about Jesus wanted to (wants!) to deal with us one person at a time. God’s heart is fascinating! […]
    By SPL April 3, 2023
    HIS PRAYER FOR US This is it! Jesus’ last words to the 11 disciples before he goes to the cross and dies. What will he say? What will he say on his ‘deathbed’? What do you plan on saying on your deathbed? Seems like what you might say on your deathbed would be something you […]
    By SPL March 27, 2023
    SO YOU CAN LOVE OTHERS Jesus intends to win the world with love. It makes so little sense on a planet that has always celebrated the strongest and the smartest and the most self-interested. Kindness never won an Olympic medal or a military battle. Our God has chosen his ‘weapon of choice’ and its love. […]
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