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The book of Daniel is all about the Sovereignty of God. The God of Israel proves himself sovereign even in faraway Babylon: boys receive foreign favour and are released from having to eat rich and potentially unkosher food. Young men are saved from a fiery furnace, and old man Daniel doesn’t get eaten by a den of hungry lions. God proves he’s not limited by international borders, arrogant kings or wild beasts. All of this points forward to Jesus, who demonstrated his sovereignty (he is God, after all!) in different ways.
1. Have you ever had a life experience where you felt you were in a ‘lion’s den’ sure to be eaten alive? Maybe an addiction, a manipulative relationship, or a medical diagnosis. Were you aware of God being with you? Share that story.
2. Darius listened to the wrong voices, likely because he enjoyed their (false) affirmation. Identify the voices you are listening to these days. How do you know if they are voices of truth or subtle lies?
3. Daniel had a practice of praying 3 times a day. That practice kept him rooted in his relationship with God. What Christian practice(s) do you have in your life? What practice would you like to develop?
4. God could have rescued Daniel before the lion's den, but he allowed Daniel to go through it instead. Why does God allow us to go through difficult experiences when he could intervene and help us avoid hard times?
5. How does the story of Daniel point to Jesus? Pay attention to the details and give thanks for God’s ultimate rescue in the resurrection.