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    Good News | Acts 16:22-34
    October 29, 2023
    Good News | Acts 16:22-34


    Songs In The Night


    Beaten and thrown in prison, Paul and Silas share their faith. They stay close to Jesus, love like Jesus, and are ready to talk about Jesus when the opportunity comes.


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    Songs for this week: Spotify

    1. Paul and Silas end up in jail in what looks like a major setback to their mission. What setbacks and failures have you encountered in sharing your faith?
    2. What practices or habits help you stay close to Jesus? What difference does that make in your life?
    3. When have you found it most challenging to love like Jesus? What might be the next step for you to practice love and forgiveness with someone this week?
    4. Is there someone in your life asking questions like the jailer did? How can you be ready to talk to them about Jesus?
    5. Why would God allow Paul and Silas to suffer? Where in your life have you seen God work through suffering to bring unexpected good?
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