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    Bring Your Best | 2 Samuel 6:11-23
    Jun 16, 2024
    Bring Your Best | 2 Samuel 6:11-23

    When God Shows Up

    The Bible is often the story of how humans get things wrong. Thankfully, there are exceptions! David dancing before the ark of God is the story of the day—humans (mostly) got it right. This is a bright picture of worship. Worship is when God is honoured, and people come alive.


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    Songs for this week: Spotify

    1. What pictures and stories come to mind when you think of worship?
    2. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your preparedness for worship? What specific actions could you take to prepare yourself for worship?
    3. What are you deeply passionate about? How can you channel this passion into your worship of the Living God? Share specific examples of how you could do this.
    4. In what ways and why did Michal miss out on worship? Explain how this story serves as a caution against carelessness or neglect in worship.
    5. Take time this week to worship outside of Sunday morning. Read Psalm 100, 46, 63, 65, or 66. Turn on some worship music and sing. Find a way to engage your body—dance, draw, paint, doodle, or lie outside on a cloudless night and count the stars.
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