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Grant Vissers · Listen
1. Our Society has an odd fascination with life after death. Just think about some of the most popular TV shows around today. Why do you think that is? Do you think about life after death?
2. Ezekiel 37 vividly describes dead things coming back to life. Do you believe that this could happen?
3. Ezekiel had tremendous faith to do what God told him to do, even though it would have sounded ridiculous. Picture yourself as Ezekiel, how would you respond to God’s command to, “Prophesy to the bones?”
4. God’s ultimate promise is that He, “will put my Spirit in you and you will live.” God’s promise is always for life. How have you experienced life in relationship with God?
5. Read John 10:1-10. How does Jesus fulfill God’s promise to Ezekiel and Israel that he will resurrect the dry bones?