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Andrew Allison · Listen
1. Do you have a relationship in your life that is unreconciled? Without using names describe what that feels like. What would it take to reconcile with that person?
2. God says that He is unreconciled with the world. What has He done to make things right?
3. As a rule, face to face is the way to reconcile a relationship. God sends believers on a Mission of reconciliation with everyone who does not believe and remains at odds with Him. What counsel in the passage is most helpful to you on that Mission?
4. What does it mean (v. 17) “the old is gone the new is here!” Do believers still sin? So what difference does the ‘new’ make?
5. Pray about an opportunity to tell someone about the heart of God for reconciliation this Christmas. And maybe also pray about an unreconciled relationship in your life.