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Every day is a good day to pray!
We’ve set aside Wednesdays to collectively give ourselves to speaking with and listening to our Heavenly Father. Some religious or spiritual teachers instruct their followers to “empty their minds” when it comes to prayer.
Jesus doesn’t. He says things like: “think about these things,” “fill your mind,” and “ponder.”
Start this Easter prayer day by reading Isaiah 53. Say it out loud. You might even do it a couple of times. And then think about how our Lord loves you, us, and the world.
Meditate on this for 5 minutes . When I meditate, I think about how awesome God is to have Isaiah write these words 700 years before it happened. I think about how amazing Jesus is to not use his power to beat evil down, but rather to take its blows and swallow it whole. I think about verse 11 and the promise of resurrection. Give it a try. “Think on these things.”
Then, as matters come to your mind, pray. Pray prayers of thanks and praise. Pray prayers of confession and repentance. Pray prayers for our world, its leaders, its medical personnel, the sick, the vulnerable, and the poor.
At the end of the day, pray/read Isaiah 54. That’s another incredible message from Him who loves you most.
If you’re able to fast this week , continue to pay attention to your body’s desire for food. Use it as a reminder of your desire to see Him face to face. It’s unlikely that our Lord will take away your desire for food. That’s natural and good. But there is a place for Him to put that desire in its rightful spot in your life.
I love that we’re doing this together!
Here’s a copy of our prayer and fasting resource and our SPL Rhythms for Life to help you in this journey.