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Good Morning Wednesday Pray-ers! I am grateful to commit this day to praying with you. I’m struck by the “secret life” that Jesus invites us into.
Christians have secrets about (1) giving to the poor; (2) praying; and (3) fasting (check out Matthew 6:1-18). Something about these practices, done secretly before our Father in Heaven, grows intimacy with Him. These Wednesdays together have been “shared secrets!”
We’ve been practicing social distancing since March 13 (Friday March 13th to be exact!). The 13th was the day we announced we wouldn’t be gathering in our sanctuary for shared worship that Sunday.
Next Wednesday is May 13th. That will mark two full months apart.
What if we spend next Wednesday differently? Let’s pray for every minute of the day! I’m inviting you to sign up for a 1/2 hour slot from next Tuesday at midnight to next Wednesday at midnight. You can sign up online. You can choose to put your name on the list and also indicate a Scripture passage that will direct your prayers for that 1/2 hour. (If you need help, reach out!).
Two natural tendencies during this time would be to complain and be fearful. Because we’re Christians, and part of the Upside Right Kingdom, the two themes we’d invite you into in your praying would be (1) gratitude and (2) boldness. Make a list of the things for which you are grateful. Turn those into prayers of thanks (Ps. 136:1-3). Secondly, in Acts 4, the church was told to be quiet and “dial it down,” but instead they believed their Lord was telling them to be BOLDER (Acts 4:29). Pray and ask our Lord what greater boldness would look like in your life and in our life together.
We can do this. More accurately, the Holy Spirit prays through us! Believers have often found themselves awake at night and have prayed. We have on record a couple of times when Jesus prayed through the night himself. This is familiar territory for the Church, even if it is new ground for us this time. I hope you’ll sign up!
Thanks for praying this day too!