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We’ve been working through the book, “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” with a group of young adults. The book is based on a collection of Psalms that ancient believers sang, first to themselves, and then with each other as they made their way from their various villages to Jerusalem for the great festivals.
Journey Psalms. Road trip tunes. They’ve been called ‘Psalms of Ascent’ because, regardless of where you start in Israel, you always travel up to get to Jerusalem.
I quote from the chapter titled ‘Providence’,
“Faith is not a precarious affair of chance escape from satanic assaults. It is the solid, massive, secure, experience of God who keeps all evil from getting inside us, who guards our life, who guards us when we leave and when we return, who guards us now, who guards us always.”
Praying with you this day, with confidence, from the bedrock of His goodness.