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Have you ever had one of those days where it seems everything goes wrong? Or even a week where it feels like you’re in a game of “whack-a-mole” and you’re not sure which side of the “whacker” you’re on?
We’ve all been there.
But what about when a day becomes a season? What about when your heart is broken, you can barely swallow, let alone speak, and you aren’t sure how you’ll make it through the next 24 hours? THESE are the times when the best we can do is exhale the words, “Help, Lord”.
Romans 8: 26-27 (the Passion Translation)
26 …the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.
27 God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny.
The Apostle Paul gives us great encouragement here. The Holy Spirit intercedes when our voice is weak or empty, and He makes our needs known to the Father. And the Holy Spirit works within our Christian community to lead and encourage us to pray for each other.
Is there someone you know who is going through a really hard time? Do they come to your mind at random times? While we don’t always know how to support someone who is going through a tough time, we can always lay their name before God in prayer. The Holy Spirit will join with us and “super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.”
No matter your circumstances, be encouraged that your prayers and longings are heard by our loving Father. So really, we can’t do it wrong. Let’s keep praying for one another!
Praying with you,
Lynn Swanson
Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as we carry each other’s troubles. Galatians 6:2
NOTE : In our SPL family, we have a team dedicated to praying for those of us going through a tough time. If you would like some extra prayer support, you can submit a request through our website.