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Jesus told us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
This time of physical distancing has been very difficult, but also very rich. As much as COVID-19 has been devastating, it has highlighted for us our Lord’s command to love our neighbour. I have witnessed many of us choosing to get out of our comfort zone to come alongside and care for others. Picking up groceries, planting flowers, making phone calls, working on the frontlines … thank you.
Jesus said that we cannot separate loving our neighbour from loving the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and mind. The two go hand-in-hand. Our acts of love grow out of our abiding intimacy with Jesus. Many of us have also found that the forced change of pace has created an unexpected opportunity to deepen our relationship with him.
As the province opens up more in the weeks ahead and our schedules start to fill up again, how can we continue to practice what we have been learning through the pandemic? How will we continue to make space for God and others?
It starts with prayer and abiding in Jesus. In prayer this week, let’s ask God to help us be increasingly rooted and grounded in his love and to tangibly share it with others. Ask him for the name of someone specific who may need to be cared for at this time. It could be groceries, a hot meal, help with a task, prayer, or a timely word; regardless, it will require intentionality to show love.
Let’s continue to remain in his love and to love each other,
Karen Rennie