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Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
Lord, this day we pray for the leaders of the nations.
We bring to You our own elected leaders: our Prime Minister, our Premier, and our various Mayors.
You say that leadership matters. You told us to submit ourselves to governing authorities – because there is no authority except that which You have established. “The authorities that exist have been established by You.”
We thank You for the women and men who help lead our country. We thank You for their lives. We ask Your blessing on them. We ask that they lead with wisdom and humility. We ask that You use them to bring Your Kingdom here and now.
We also pray for our neighours to the south. We pray for unity for them. We ask that You settle them into the truth of Your love. We ask that the U.S.A. would be a force of peace and kindness to the nations. Bless and keep whichever candidate wins the election. And may Your Kingdom come.
Praying with you today.