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have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
I will build you up again…
They will come with weeping;
They will pray as I bring them back.
I will lead them beside streams of water
On a level path where they will not stumble,
Because I am Israel’s father
And Ephraim is my first born son.
When we settle down into this place of praying and returning love to our LORD, we find that if we look around even a little, we have companions for the journey. Our Lord has been loving people for a long time! His everlasting love was uniquely demonstrated to Abraham and to Israel. Then through Jesus, He demonstrated his love to the whole world—to anyone from anywhere who would believe.
It was from love that Jesus came and for love that he submitted to the womb. “Ain’t no mountain high enough…to keep me from getting to you.” The womb to the manger to the cross to the empty grave—it’s a love story.
More than ever our planet, our leaders, our communities, and our homes are hungry for love—our Lord’s love. Let’s pray the truth and power and experience of our Lord’s everlasting love into our world this day.
Praying and loving with you.