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You are radiant with light,
More majestic than mountains rich with game.
“Our LORD is magnificent!” the Psalm writers often remind us. Usually, they’re remembering some epic rescue—like an escape from Egypt, or the gift of the Law, or the Promised Land. Sometimes the reminder comes when they give attention to nature—the beauty of light, the richness of forests teeming with creatures. Oh the wonder of our God!
Psalm 76 starts out that way, but then we see a new reason for awe and wonder: our God is the One who judges fairly. He isn’t impressed with military might or success.
Even death reminds us Who is in charge.
“The valiant lie plundered,
They sleep their last sleep;
Not one of the warriors
Can lift his hands.
At your rebuke, God of Jacob
Both horse and chariot lie still.”
It’s a sobering picture of how the strongest of us, in short order, is no longer a tower of strength but a breathless, still corpse.
The wonder for Christians is that we have One who has entered death and defeated it on our behalf. Even this last great enemy is no match for our Jesus.
He is wonderful.
Don’t run away from a time today to consider your own life and death. Great clarity and focus can come from such pondering. And also stand in wonder of this One who loved you so much as to give you life after this life—life everlasting!
Praying and wondering with you this day.