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In the morning LORD,
You hear my voice;
In the morning I lay my
requests before you
And wait expectantly.
I once heard pastor and author Tony Campolo ask, “What’s the sense in tuning your instrument after the concert?” He was making a case for Christians beginning their day in prayer instead of trying to pray at night. That makes sense to me because I fall asleep trying to pray at night. But you may be wired differently. Jesus prayed through the night so score a point for the night pray-ers!
Whenever you pray our Lord seems honoured by our expectancy—by you assuming he’s listening and answering those prayers. You have no expectations of a stranger, but you do expect a response from a friend. It may be true that the degree of expectancy in your prayers is a direct indicator of your friendship with our Lord Jesus.
Hmm, that might create pressure or guilt. Those aren’t good fuel for praying.
This is:
But I, by your great love,
can come into your house;
In reverence I bow down
Toward your holy temple.
Let’s get to praying this day and let’s do so expectantly.
Praying and expecting with you.