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“Blessed is the one
Who trusts in the LORD,
Who does not look to the proud,
To those who turn aside to false gods.
Many, LORD my God,
Are the wonders you have done,
The things you have planned for us.
None can compare with you;
Were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
They would be too many to declare.”
Our world demands that we compare Jesus with other religious leaders and conclude he’s no more special than Buddha, Moses or Mohammed. It seems arrogant to claim special status. So let’s compare. No one else taught with the direct clarity that Jesus teaches. Read the Quran, read the Bhagavad Gita, compare. No one else performed the life-restoring miracles that Jesus performed. No one else arrived on the scene and fulfilled hundreds of prophecies made about him hundreds of years earlier. No other religious leader claimed to be God, none were even close to making such a claim. And no other leader laid down his life that our lives would be redeemed.
None can compare with you.
Christians can’t get up on a high horse about themselves. We’ve made a mess of things too often. Christianity has many dark days and seasons in its history. But Jesus? He is the one worth trusting. He is the one who lifts us from slimy pits, out of the mud and mire. He will set all the world right. He is incomparable!
Praying (and speaking of His deeds) this day with you.