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The LORD announces the word
And the women who proclaim it
Are a mighty throng.
It isn’t always clear in the earlier Scriptures but Jesus made it super clear: God is a big fan of women.
Jesus went over the top to make sure people understand that women are equal players in His Kingdom. Jesus often told older stories where he switched the hero of the story from a man to a woman. Women were last at the cross and first at the empty grave. Women featured significantly in the churches Paul planted.
Today would be a good day to focus our prayers of thanks and prayers for blessing on the women in our lives. Little ones, young women, those who have children, those who want kids but don’t currently have them, sisters, moms, wives, grandmothers, widows, friends, the lonely.
Sing to God, sing in praise of his name,
Extol him who rides on the clouds
Rejoice before him – his name is the LORD.
A father to the fatherless
A defender of widows
Is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families.
Praying prayers of gratitude and blessing with you this day.