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Gracious Lord, help us see and understand—with the eyes of faith and the mind you have given us—your magnificent, glorious, self-sufficient being, and the greatness of your Kingdom into which we are invited. May we grasp the deep significance of the words, “in Him we live and move and have our being,” and know that in that safest of places—in you—there simply is no lack.
Open our eyes to the high privilege of being created in your image. Convince us that nothing makes you happier than seeing those redeemed by your grace devoting their days to the good of other people and your creation. Win over our timid and doubting hearts with the conviction that we are your greatest treasure in all creation.
Give us sober yet fearless awareness of Satan’s ploys and deceits. Strengthen our hearts in the knowledge that we have nothing to fear, for you have defeated him. We are so glad to know that greater are you who are in us than he that is in the world. May our hearts carry that message as we contemplate the awesome reality of the spiritual battle around us.
Tender Father you have taught us so clearly that faith—trust—is essential to a life without lack. We confess that while we believe in you, we need to believe more fully, more deeply, more constantly. In his life, death, and resurrection Jesus showed us that you are completely and utterly trustworthy, and even in the shadow of death, there is nothing to fear, for you are with us.
Bring us to the place of peace where we no longer feel a need to defend ourselves, or to worry about who’s going to take care of us, or to be recognized, or to get our way, or to make sure things turn out right. Lord, free us through the knowledge that because you are with us, working in our lives, we have everything we need.
And now, with the truth of who you are deeply engraved in our hearts, give us the confidence and power to love all who are in our lives just as we are being loved by you—freely, fully, joyfully. Let your Spirit move in our minds and hearts so we believe ever more fully that because you are our all-sufficient Shepherd, we shall never want.
We ask all this because we would have it no other way.
From Life Without Lack , by Dallas Willard