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Know that the LORD has set apart his faithful servant
For himself;
The LORD hears when I call to him.
Tremble and do not sin;
When you are on your beds,
Search your hearts and be silent.
As a rule, I’d encourage you to pray first thing in the morning. If I don’t do it then, it’s pretty much a lost cause for the day.
The “on your beds” instruction in this psalm actually encourages “end of the day” praying. A chance to bring the stuff of your day before your Father who loves you.
Have you seen the Examen half-sheet from our One Month Challenge? It’s a neat tool for “Evening Reflective Prayer.” You could even do this “on your bed.” It has to do with turning the events of the day into prayers: prayers of gratitude, repentance, and surrender.
Can you imagine that you have a Heavenly Father who delights to hear about your day? I’m learning to believe that and enter into His joy.
Praying with you today!