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I saw the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and
my tongue rejoices;
My body also will rest secure,
Because you will not abandon me to the grave,
Nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me
The path of life;
You will fill me with joy in your presence,
With eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Peter quoted this passage in his famous Pentecost Day sermon. David was long dead and buried, so these claims weren’t about David but about Jesus. Amazing: Psalm 16 is all about Jesus.
And because about Jesus, it’s also about us. Many of us have regular reminders of our mortality: thinning hair, wrinkles, smaller bladder, longer naps. It could be discouraging but I find myself using my “mirror disappointment” as a reminder of how great it is that aging isn’t the main script for us. Not even close. Resurrection is our future. Eternal pleasures are God’s promise. He will not abandon us.
My friends say that John Ortberg has a book titled Eternity is Now in Session. I haven’t read it but I think I can get the gist of it from the title. Eternity has already started for those who believe in Jesus. That’s why what this world calls “dying” Jesus calls “falling asleep.” You simply wake to more life—way more life!
Pray from this confidence today, that the One who loves you will not abandon you to the grave. We have been given eternal and abundant life. It’s already started.
Praying (and rejoicing!) with you today.