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Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
To him alone who does great wonders
His love endures forever…
Only this Psalm was written so that every second line is the same: “His love endures forever.” The writer talks of God’s character, talks of God’s brilliant Creation, talks of God’s rescue, the plagues of Egypt, God’s care for the lowly, and after every line this declaration: “His love endures forever.”
Many people live without an overarching story for their lives, or live without real meaning or purpose. Not us. The overarching narrative for us is: “His love endures forever.”
Would you consider writing your prayer today? Think back to the beginning of time, the events through history, through to your own life and its own up and down events; write them out, and after each line stamp this declaration: “His love endures forever.”
It’s true, in the end, even the very worst things of your life will one day be undone by His love and all things will be made new.
His love endures forever!
Praying with you this day.