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I cry aloud to the LORD;
I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy
I pour out my complaint;
Before him I tell my trouble.
When my spirit grows faint within me,
It is you who watch over my way…
Look and see, there is no one at my right hand;
No one is concerned for me.
I have no refuge;
No one cares for my life.
I cry to you LORD;
I say, “You are my refuge,
My portion in the land of the living.”
David wrote these words from a cave, so clearly, he wasn’t in a place he wanted to be. He was on the run from the most powerful man in his nation, a man he once served, a man who he adored. The cave was the safest place he could find but it was far from home, far from where he wanted to be.
It’s awful the way that relationships can turn on us; friends who were once lovely and supportive now have nothing good to say about us. We’re left with the feeling that “no one cares for my life, no one is concerned for me”.
Such is life. Believers’ lives are not spared these difficult experiences. And so we do as David did: “I cry out to the LORD.” God says he cares. God says he’s concerned. If you’re struggling to believe that God cares then ponder the cross for 10 minutes.
And if you’re in a particularly heavy place today let me also say “Reach out” to each other. Let’s do this journey together. The cave isn’t so bad with someone who can remind you how much Jesus loves you and the good things that he has in store for those who trust him.
Praying with you this day.