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Andrew Allison · Listen
1. Review with your group the details of Samson’s life. It may help to browse back to chapters 13-15. What stands out to you about his life?
2. Samson’s life seems to be cycles of impulsive behaviour, retaliation from his neighbours (Philistines) and revenge from Samson. Is there any part of that which is familiar to you?
3. Samson’s sexual drive and his sense of invincibility take their toll on his life. Why are those things ‘high risk’ players in a young person’s life? What (pre)cautions can be taken to navigate these?
4. The goal of Samson’s life seems to be to kill as many Philistines as possible. Explain how Jesus is the anti-Samson.
5. “Each man did what was wise in his own eyes” is the repeated refrain in Judges. What does that look like today? Is there a better plan for personal morals and ethics? If so, explain.