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Grant Vissers · Listen
1. Read verse 21 again. What is Elijah’s main issue with the people?
2. Do you ever find your attention, affection, time, or priorities caught between two things? What happens when you, as Elijah puts it, “Waver between two opinions?”
3. God wants us to be “All in.” What do you think that means? What could it look like?
4. In 1 Kings 18 the prophets of Baal call out and nobody answers, do you have things that you turn to in your life in times of trouble that don’t answer you? In other words, do you have things that you use or do to cope that ultimately lead to more suffering?
5. God answers Elijah and shows himself to be the one true God. Can you see God at work in your own life? Can you talk about a time where He was very present and visible?