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I recently read about the people of Israel wandering in the desert and saying, “ we loathe this worthless food! ” Every morning was a miracle for them. Every morning God would blanket the desert floor with a fresh batch of Frosted Flakes—enough to eat for the day. And He did it each day for 40 years.
I guess someone could complain, “Frosted Flakes would get rather repetitive….” They forgot it was a miracle! They took for granted an everyday reminder of the LORD who provides.
We’re in danger of the same. In our tiredness, in the repetition of what can feel like the same day played over and over again (thanks Bill Murray and Groundhog Day!), we too can become complaining people. I know I can.
The only antidote I know for a complaining spirit is gratitude.
It’s a swift cure. Maybe it takes special eyes to see the goodness of God in these days, but His goodness may be in plain view: like a cloudless day, or a fresh blanket of snow, or having options for what you’ll eat for dinner (even better than Frosted Flakes in the desert!).
Join me today in looking for things to be grateful about, and let’s turn our sightings into prayers of gratitude.
On the lookout and praying with you this day.